Faith off Allah



Allah has told the people through the

 Messenger of Allah that I am the inheritor 

of the whole earth 

and the sky.  Visible treasures and 

blessings belong to my Lord. 

I have acquired them through 

knowledge, wisdom and power.

 All you human beings, Europeans 

and Iranian Indians, all human beings 

are bound in the leadership of the 

speaker made by me. You have the 

power, so get out of the cage of the earth 

and the sky. This is the order of

 my Allah. I am true and I am real.  

Yes, you will not be able to get out of 

the cage of the earth and the sky. 

This is my advance notice to 

the first and last man.

 I have arranged a life order for you 

humans, whoever will follow my 

order of life and pleasure, I will give 

him honor and faith, he will be 

successful and efficient in the 

examination hall of the 

Day of Judgement.

 day of judgement

 Doomsday means that the earth and 

the sky will be destroyed along with 

the human beings. I am addressing 

you to the same Allah that you will 

not be able to leave the earth and the 

sky on this day.  I have also given 

whoever is oblivious to me and considers 

my orders as unnecessary. I Allah, on the 

Day of Resurrection, which is the fate 

of all human beings, those who deny

 my orders will be put in the

 Razakh on that day.  

As a punishment, it is a very bad 

abode for criminalsAllah says: 

Be obedient to me and accept faith

 What is faith?

 You will be believers after I attain the 

pleasure of Allah and my 

pilgrimage to Allah

 Listen, all of you, the pope, the 

mullah, the priest, the guru, and the 

philosopher, all human beings, the 

first and the last, except the Prophet 

and the Messenger, pleasure is 

forbidden to all human beings, but 

you are not authorized to talk to and 

see God.  Charity and human 

compassion are not accepted in the 

presence of Allah, because you are 

dead, all human beings can be pure.  

has given authority to the prophets 

and messengers that they will purify 

you first and then you will be able to 

obtain and see the pleasure of Allah. 

Do not dare to contact Allah directly

 to reach me and my pleasure.  

Find a way to get it. This is the first 

step to come to Me. After that, pray, 

preach and fast. Then you will find 

Me, the Merciful. This is faith.

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