That dog is also a paradise, but an apostate Muslim is hellish


 Allah Almighty described the same event in the Qur'an in Surah Kahf as follows: In the time of Pharaoh, there was a faithful dog with three or four friends.  In the Qur'an, a dog was also with these Companions, compared to these Muslims and by means of this prohibited animal is also worthy of paradise, but today's Muslim bed bearer and preacher goes around saying that no one gives anything to anyone except Allah.  But here God does not consider the relationship and means of the Companions of Qahf as separate from the Muslims of the Companions of Qahf.  Someone else used to fulfill the faith, but compared to this, the Muslims of the Companions of Qahf have the right to enter Paradise.  He is not bound, he is neither a Muslim nor a Gentile, because Allah is commanding all the children of Noah  So, first of all, find a means for you to reach my pleasure and me to Allah, then read the word, pray, if you do not obey the command of the means, then you are out of the religion of Islam. Allah, directly or indirectly, only prophets.  And he meets the Messengers and addresses them. All the rest of the people who obey the Prophets and Messengers and are related to the Prophets and the disciples and companions of the Prophets will be said to be Muslims because they became Muslims through the Prophets and Messengers.  The Bait of the Prophets and the Messengers, the caliphs, directly from God, the common man should not have any hope without any means, because God is saying in the Qur'an that I am God without need, that is, God is Al-Samad.

Proclamation of the Pharaoh of Egypt I am your Lord

The incident happened in such a way that when Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) announced in the court of the Pharaoh of Egypt that Allah is one, the Pharaoh of that time, that is, the king, claimed that he is one. Pharaoh announced that whoever does not accept me as Lord, I will kill him. Most of the people obeyed his order, but two men, including his nephew and two of his friends, refused to obey Pharaoh. Arrested, Pharaoh presented two conditions in front of the three: either I will cut your neck with a sword or you too accept me as your God. Then they will answer you after thinking or they will leave your country

The meeting of these three Muslims with a cowherd and his dog

 As soon as Pharaoh's nephew, Muslim, fled from Pharaoh's kingdom with his two companions, after traveling for two days, they reached a forest-like mountain pass. At that time, the sun was about to set. When asked where are you going, Pharaoh's nephew replied that he is running away from the country to save his life and faith. No, but there is a cave in this mountain valley to hide if you want. The shepherd replied, I will stay with you tonight in this cave. Then the four of them decided to spend the night in this cave. The four friends of the shepherd. Under guidance, the dog went to the same cave and fell asleep. He placed both his feet on the entrance of the cave and started guarding. Allah says in the Qur'an that we imposed sleep for a hundred years on them, even the dog dried up at the entrance of the same cave. died

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