The explanation is that Mujaddid al-sani means that the dervish who appears in the religion of Islam after a thousand years of his predecessor, renews the habits that have become popular in the religion of Islam. If they renew Islam, then the same religion of Islam becomes prevalent, which was the original practice of Islam during the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. That is what they implement. This dervish gets the title of Mujaddid. Meaning was the same generation of his predecessor Fakir, who must have passed a thousand years before him, Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi Naqshbandi, he was the same elder in his time, then his name was Mujaddid al-Shani, who was the original Muhammadan religion during his time in the religion of Islam. Prophet and peace be upon him
Right way
In the religion of Islam, those Muslims who continue their pilgrimage to Allah through the knowledge of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the companionship and means of the mentor of their time are the travelers of the path of truth who know the knowledge of the unseen and the secrets of the hidden mysteries. They want such poor people and those who have Allah to go on a hidden journey on faith. Then the mission of the pilgrims of this righteous path is great, that is, the Muslims who follow this righteous path are full of love and are free from falsehood and falsehood. Such a dervish can keep the general Shari'ah and the members of the five pillars of Islam, while performing the duties of Islam, depend on the Sahabah Murshid. Sharah calls on truth, but poverty, fear, hunger, thirst, disease, trouble, hatred of people Durats are the boarding houses for the most popular path of the Lord of the worlds, which are built for cheapness in these inner places. Dervishes walking on this floor have only two paths. Allah and Ziyarat are blessed by all the Prophets, peace be upon them, then the mentor of this student gives a holy dastarbandi, then he is recognized as the Wali of Allah.
Mujaddid al-Thani Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi was the Wali Allah of his time
We told you earlier that Sheikh Ahmad Sirhandi Sahib was a follower under the training of Hazrat Baki Bila. He became his disciple and continued to train in this right path and he also continued to work harder for the pleasure of Allah. did not do anything that was against the Muhammadan Shari'ah
Summoned to appear in the court of Mughal Emperor Akbar
Hazrat Mujaddid Sheikh Sirhandi came to the court of Akbar but could not perform the etiquette of Tazim Akbari because it was necessary for the king to perform prostration in the meeting of Akbar the king, but Mujaddid al-Thani Sheikh Sirhandi did not do so, then Akbar got angry and asked the Sheikh Sahib. Why did you not perform sajdah? Shaykh Ahmad Sirhandi replied that you are not worthy of sajdah. He said, "Leave the debate with me. The answer is why did you not prostrate yourself?" I will blow his neck with a sword. Go, I give you three days' respite. After three days, bow your head to me in my court. After three days, Sheikh Ahmad returned to Sirhindi. While sitting in the room, the other doors of the room were closed so that Ahmad Sirhandi entered through the narrow door with his head bowed. It should be considered Jeddah, but Mujaddid also lost this blow in a reverse order, that is, Mujaddid Al-Shani put his first foot towards this mori, then he put his second foot towards Akbar in the room. He was very angry and asked why you turned your feet towards me, so I sentence you to imprisonment in Gwalior Fort.