My Opinion American President Jimmy Carter and President Reagan ordered the Vietnamese leader to hand over Vietnam to us, we will develop Vietnam a lot, but the Vietnamese people's leader flatly refused and replied that Hanoi and Vietnam are the foundation of the nation of Hanoi. Yes, we cannot give up Vietnam and Hanoi, but whatever power wants to attack us, we will make sacrifices for the sake of Vietnam's freedom. And they don't even care about saving lives, but they care about saving Vietnam and Hanoi. Vietnam is a beautiful land of beautiful flowering plants and fruit trees in dense forests. Flocks eating by flowing rivers, taking shelters, rivers and its forests, beautiful wild animals, birds and the most beautiful people of Vietnam, sophisticated and charming boys and girls, smart young adults, this is the real reality of Vietnam, Vietnam is the heart of two powerful enemies. is knocking both powerful countries imposed a war on the Vietnamese nation, meaning that the United States and China wanted to occupy Hanoi But the student boys of Hanoi and the student girls of Vietnam fought a terrible war against the American Army for thirty years. So much cruelty was done by the American Army and the Chinese Army in destroying the Vietnamese nation. The Vietnamese leadership of Hanoi made the same demand that Vietnam and the land of Hanoi is the home of Vietnamese children. In addition to these, the United States rained fire on the Vietnamese nation with airplanes and gunship helicopters, despite this, Vietnamese student boys and girls, even labor doctors and teachers of Vietnam continued to fight with the American Army, even as the Americans continued to expand the length of Vietnam.
All the houses were destroyed by bombing. Those terrible days and nights spent the night in bushes and wild shelters with wild animals and snakes for the freedom of Vietnam. Due to lack of work, Vietnamese youths fought the American army with bare feet and bare bones. No one has commanded such a long and terrible war in history that the army would not have fought. The bodies of many Vietnamese elders and political leaders were killed in Begurokfan fighters and shelters. Despite this, Vietnamese fighters continued to fight against the American war. China was supporting the Vietnamese nation at that time. The secret official Chinese army also killed the American army together with the Vietnamese fighters. This long war continued for many years. The Vietnamese, who were very poor people, still fought for the freedom of Hanoi. In the first war, the US Army was exhausted and called a cease-fire and liberated Vietnam
China and Vietnam War
After the US war, the Vietnamese people were busy building Vietnam and Hanoi, and China threatened the Vietnamese leaders to annex Hanoi and the Chinese kept claiming that Vietnam was actually part of China geographically, but the Vietnamese leaders said that It is not possible. The whole of Vietnam is owned by the Vietnamese nation. Vietnam tried hard not to have a war with China, but there is no other beautiful country like Vietnam in the world. China's leadership has reached here as an army. Hanoi should be taken away from the Vietnamese nation. Vietnamese leaders. It was realized that now China is going to attack us, so the Vietnamese leadership requested the US that we need arms and ammunition to fight the war, then the US gave the Vietnamese youth good ammunition and guns to take revenge from the Chinese army. After all, China got fed up and attacked Vietnam, then a terrible war began, but this time the Vietnamese youth were very familiar with war and Jaffa, that is, China's 40,000 army invaded Vietnam and the armies of both sides humiliated each other. Both soldiers for Vietnam The Chinese and U.S. forces continued to fight, and the result was that 30,000 Vietnamese soldiers were killed and about 20,000 Chinese soldiers were killed. Then China accepted its defeat and a ceasefire was reached. Now Hanoi is free.