Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag Last Story



Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Sawag was the only elder who devoted himself to non-Muslim young boys and girls and converted them to Islam and then married them. The judge and any English officer are not even afraid of the administration. Their incidents were very terrible. Often, the officers and non-Muslims of that time would plan to take some action against them. Neither a Hindu girl nor a Sikh boy nor a Shia scholar could tell how they succeeded in seducing non-Muslim beautiful women, nor could the beautiful boys and girls themselves tell anyone else how they were converted to Islam. As much as their parents and Hindu sadhus and Sikh gurus would ask, those nine Muslim boys and girls would reply that Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag is the best friend and benefactor and compassionate companion, but you Hindu sadhus and Sikh gurus and our The non-Muslim parents are infidels and wretched, and run away from us, we Muslims We are the followers of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him. We are relatives and relatives of Muslim daughters and brothers. We do not want anything from the property of our parents. I will be happy and settled in this place and in the hereafter, the situation had become so dangerous that on the one hand Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag was coming in the street of a city or village. If it had happened, those non-Muslim boys and girls would have run back after seeing Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag that the Muslim convert had come

Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag arrested in murder case

 You should know that at that time India was under the rule of the British government. It was a very tough time for the Indian people and especially for the Muslims. Then this incident happened. Two Shia youths were two brothers of a family. One of them was a Sunni Muslim and he was also a follower of Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Sawag, while the other brother was a Shia and was a kisser of Imam Bargahs and Al Hussainiya. There were boys from good families who ate and drank well, they were rich people, but the brothers were enemies of each other in their religious fanaticism. Don't do this, if you don't stop, I will call the Sunni people of the neighborhood and bring my mentor Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Sawag to the same mansion. His body will go back or my funeral will take place in this mansion which is terrible for both brothers Sunny Bhai said, "If I am alive, next week Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag will give a speech on Milad Mustafa in this place." Listen, you understand, we are both brothers, this mansion is ours, how is this possible? You insulted my Murshid and spoke harshly, then I will cut your neck. Then the Sunni boy organized a huge charity on the pretext of Milad and told all the Sunni Muslims in the neighborhood that everyone should come to welcome my Murshid on the day of Milad. They will read and will also eat charity and charity. Everything happened that day. On that day, the Sunni brother entered Pir Swag in the mansion, while the Shia brother raised the voice of Nara Hydari and killed him with a weapon. The Maulvi attacked towards Pir Swag. The devout Sunni boy controlled his attack and a bloody battle began between the two brothers in front of Pir Swag. They continued to kill but the Sunni boy's attack on the Shia youth worked. The Sunni boy in anger also stabbed his dead body. It is neither now nor your neck until the police came and arrested Maulvi Ghulam Hasan and the Sunni boy and took them away

Court hearing of murder case

 Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag suffered nine months in jail and prison for this uncommitted sin, then the witness and accused Maulvi Ghulam Hassan appeared in the session judge's court and the witnesses were also present. He asked Ghulam Hasan in a harsh tone, O Maulvi, you are forcing non-Muslims to become Muslims. Meanwhile, Maulvi Ghulam Hasan pointed his right hand towards the first witness, "Judge, I am telling him that you are a Muslim, the hand of Maulvi Ghulam Hasan." Delay in turning to the witness In front of the witnesses and lawyers in the crowded court, the witness started reciting Kalma Tayyaba loudly and said to the judge, the witness swears by God, Maulvi Swag is completely innocent, I am not testifying, I am running away. Yes, he went out of the court after hearing this, then Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Sawag pointed towards the other witness, am I telling him, sir, you are Muslim? Maulvi Ghulam Hasan Swag also left the court and pointed to the third witness. He also left the court while reading the word. Then the judge announced that Maulvi Ghulam Hasan was honorably acquitted and the police case was dismissed, thus Maulvi Ghulam Hasan won this game.

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